May 02, 2011

Keunikan Shawl 3 segi

Hye followers sejati...
First of all, Estela nk ucapkan terima kasih yg tak terhingga sbb ader yg sudi follow blog...Tq so much....
Dan juge yg sudi like fan page Estela kt fb tuh...sape2 yg tak like lgi...bole laa click sini utk like

Kat sini Estela nk crite psl SHAWL 3-SEGI...well most of the pretty women out there thinks that this shawl is very hard to wear....well, this perception is totally wrong...
Shawl ni laa pling sng nk pki....

This is the reasons why...

1.Sbb tak perlu lilit byk2 kali...
2.Tak perlu gosok
3.Kain cotton dia sejuk..xpns
5.Very2 easy to wear....

So, why not try this new and trendy shawl and then give us your review....
Tutorial cara-cara nk pki pon dh ader kt dlm blog ni...
Tekan Style 101-->Shawl Tutorial...
then click the picture for a much bigger view~

and then u will  see how easy to wear it~As easy as ABC~